The Mamaroneck Marine Education Center is an organization based on the Long Island Sound. Volunteers have the opportunity to do hands-on work to better the Sound's ecosystem.
Oyster Restoration: Volunteers can measure and count oysters in the Marine Education Center's new oyster beds. Volunteers will also help to clean and maintain these oyster beds.
Floating Wetlands: There are several deployed wetlands in the waters at Harbor Island. Volunteers will clean, replant, and maintain these plants.
​Clean-ups: Volunteers can clean up around Harbor Island each week. They pick up trash, weigh it, and sort it.
General Tech: Volunteers who are more interested in website and pamphlet designs also have an opportunity to volunteer at the Marine Education Center.
General Volunteering: Volunteers can help feed the fish, clean tanks, check traps, collecting and shucking mussels, and other general opportunities.